Market daily volume
$5.1 Trillion
Portfolio %
Forex Markets
Trading Forex involves the buying of one currency and simultaneous selling of another. In Forex, traders attempt to profit by buying and selling currencies and actively speculating on the direction currencies are likely to take in the future.
Forex trading is considered as one of the largest and most liquid markets in the world. According to a recent triennial report from the Bank for International Settlements (a global bank for national central banks), the dollar amount of daily transactions in the Forex market is around USD 5 trillion and $1.5 trillion of this amount comes from spot trading. The large dimensions of the market makes finding buyers and sellers fast and easy, allowing for a dynamic investing process. This volatility can be difficult because of the limited decision time, that is why dedicated investor teams tend to be more successful than "side traders".
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Market daily volume
$237 Billion
Portfolio %
Digital Exchange
Digital exchange, also referred to as the digital currency exchange or the cryptocurrency exchange, is a digital marketplace that allows customers, be it businesses or individuals, to trade cryptocurrencies. They can be exchanged for conventional fiat currencies or other digital currencies.
Cryptocurrencies have seen a great surge in both value an sortiment of available positions to invest. This market has become especially popular among investors that prefer trading short term - on price movements.
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Market daily volume
$15,8 million
Portfolio %
Bitcoin Mining
Fiat money is centralized and its' printing and distribution is controlled by the government and its' central bank. Cryptocurrencies and - in our case more specifically - bitcoin is a decentralized currency. Which means it has no main governing entity that is responsible for the distribution and creation of bitcoin.
That is where bitcoin mining comes into play. Bitcoin mining is the process of using special software to solve math equations that are ever growing in complexity. What these miners effectively do is help secure the network by approving recent transactions with their computational power. In return they receive a certain number of bitcoins in exchange. This is how new bitcoins are made.
The COMPANY has proffesional traders who handles the actual trading in different Investment assets like Cryptocurrency trading and mining Commercial papers ,Treasury Bills, Gold bars, Real Estates, Oil and Gas, Telecommunication, Transportation and other adaptable Investments to generate Profits for Investors. The company also trade with metatrade 5 which is known as the biggest trading company they also do mining too where they mines 4.7% per day which means they are capable of paying Investors.
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Market daily volume
$383 million
Portfolio %
Venture Capital
Venture capital is a form of investing into startup companies and small businesses that are believed to have potential for exponential growth in the long term. Relatively young businesses that have recently displayed impressive growth and appear poised to continue this growth are also often invested into. Even though sometimes the value added can be expertise or resources, in the case of Assetsphere Investment, the investment we place into the companies is monetary.
For new companies (two years old and less), especially in the tech field, this type of seeding is becoming more and more popular.
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